Abisko Scientific Research Station
Abisko Scientific Research Station is a central part of our infrastructure, here researchers can work in a subarctic environment with varied nature – both in terms of topography and geology, as well as in climate. Environmental monitoring and collection of climate data is carried out at the station. Some measurements have been carried out since 1913, and the long series of measurements form a knowledge base of great importance for today's research. In 2021, the World Metrological Organization (WMO) appointed the station as a Centennial Observation Station.
Abisko Scientific Research Station
Vetenskapens väg 38
Phone: +46 980 400 21
E-mail: ans@polar.se
Ongoing research
On the SITES GIS website you can see what research is being carried out at the Abisko Scientific Research Station.
Last day for applications
Apply no later than February 28 to visit the station during the current season.

Proportion of women among visiting researchers, field assistants and students at Abisko Scientific Research Station during 2021-2023.

Number of person-days of visiting researchers, field assistants and students at Abisko Scientific Research Station in 2023.

Number of downloads from the SITES data portal of monitoring data at Abisko natural Scientific Research Station in 2023.

The year the measurements started at the Abisko Scientific Research Station.

Number of published articles in 2023 linked to research at Abisko Scientific Research station.

Number of published articles at Abisko Scientific Research Station up to and including 2023.